Victory In The Lottery

While in Las Vegas, he wins the jackpot of $ 1.3 million

Gaming, Game, Card, Money, Casino, PokerLiving in Wisconsin and passing through Las Vegas, Anthony Klosowski is the lucky winner of the day. It was at the Flamingo Bird Bar of the Caesar Entertainment group that the player won $ 1.3 million on the Let It Ride slot.

Well-paid leave

Las Vegas will probably never lose its legend. It’s the city where anything is possible, where you can do almost anything you want. This is where you can change sg online casino free credit life from one second to the next. This last statement has been verified on several occasions.

Each year, the City of Light of the United States produces tens of millionaires. The year 2019 was no exception to this fact, which has become a rule in the city over the years. A few days ago, a player grabbed a jackpot in the city.

The latter took a trip to Las Vegas to take advantage of a few hours off. Anthony Klosowski is the name of the winner of the day. Originally from South Milwaukee, Wisconsin, this middle-aged man decided to try his luck in the City of Lights, and play a game in one of the city’s casinos.

This is how he chose to enter the Flamingo Bird Bar. This bar located inside the Falmingo Hotel Casino belongs to the Caesar Entertainment group. It is open at all times and offers happy hours. In the heart of Las Vegas’ busiest street, the flamingo Bird Bar offers totally exotic drinks in https://www.ace9696.net, which only the name really makes an impression. Blues Curaçao, Bacardi Dark Rum, Barefoot Rose, are some of the names of the liqueurs available in this legendary bar in the City of Light.

He perseveres thanks to his wife and wins the jackpot

Card, Game, A Deck Of Cards, PokerArrived in the lair of the Flamingo Bird Bar, Anthony Klosowski says he then sat down in front of a slot machine to defy fate. The machine elected that day is called Let It Ride. Anthony K. said it’s his favorite machine, and that he plays it every time he sets foot in Las Vegas.

After sitting down, it’s a game, then a second, and Anthony took to the skies. The defeats were piling up, and our player of the day was already thinking about giving up. Only his wife, with whom he had made the trip to the casino, asked him to hold on. His encouragement gave the Let It Ride player the strength to keep spinning the reels of the machine.

From one second to the next, Anthony K. sees the lights twinkling around him. He just won the jackpot. Result of the races, it is 1.3 million dollars which has just been won at the end of the perseverance. Anthony K. will tell the press that he was lucky this time around thanks to his wife. For him, it served as a lucky charm. The advice he gives to players is not to give up (you still have to have the budget for!).

With this gain, Anthony K. stands out as the eighth winner of over 1 million Caesars Entertainment casinos for 9 months. Almost a millionaire a month therefore for this establishment.